101 Maths Workshop (KS2)
Workshop Provider: So Nimble Books
Age Suitability: Key Stage 2
Can your workshop be delivered to schools online?: No
Delivery Locations by Regions: South East England, London & Home Counties, East of England
Workshop/Assembly Summary:
101 Maths is aimed at Upper KS2.
I am a former KS2 teacher and maths lead, now author of newly published rhyming book: '101 - A maths story that will tickle your ribs and blow your mind!' The 101 Maths workshop uses the true story of Carl Gauss, (told in '101'), a young pupil who solved a seemingly impossible and very long winded maths problem in record time. The workshop focuses on pupils investigating the beautiful patterns that can be found in ranges of numbers and using these patterns to add hundreds, and even thousands of numbers in a few, logical steps. Pupils use number cards and cuisenaire rods initially to prove to themselves how and why Carl's solution was correct and then go on to choose their own range of numbers to add and to explain and prove their thinking. Towards the end of the workshop, pupils' findings are collated and entered into a line graph which produces yet another beautiful pattern. Pupils finish with the confidence that they too can solve a big maths problem by using the natural patterns created by numbers.
Additional Information:
Ideally, this workshop suits two x 45 minute sessions with a morning break, or lunchtime between. However, it can be delivered in 1 hour with the shorter follow up session left to the class teacher.
Pricing: £350 for a full day/£200 for full morning/£150 for afternoon.
Review of '101' from Michelle Aldred - Executive Headteacher, James Dixon Primary School, SE20
'It is a little known teacher-fact that the joy of maths isn't in the final answer, it's in the struggle. The ability to persevere, to find patterns, to muster up the courage to have a go; to be brave and to share your thinking with others. Sarah skillfully captures these qualities in such an engaging way that no matter where you are on your journey as a mathematician, you will absolutely love 101'.