School Workshop Directory

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Game Over Online Safety Workshop (KS2)

Workshop Provider: One Day Creative

Workshop Themes & Tags: Online Safety, PSHE, Drama, Dance & Music (Performing Arts), Online Safety, and PSHE & RSE

Age Suitability: Key Stage 2

Delivery Locations: All UK Regions

Workshop Summary:

One Day is a forward-thinking Creative Education Company, trusted by schools to deliver creative excellence and engagement on a variety of topics. Our range of interactive workshops ensure that the expressive arts are at the core of learning, making them the perfect companion for schools looking to enrich the curriculum or provide quality PPA cover.

In the Game Over workshop your class will:

  • Explore in-app purchases and age ratings

  •  Discuss safe user habits for electronic devices, including importance of time limits and switching off at night

  • Express ideas and feelings through voice, movement, role play and drama

    Take your class on a real life adventure through the world of addictive gaming. Will your class be able to avoid the temptation of in app-traps? Will they be able to resist the addictive games in order to get a good nights sleep, allowing them to concentrate the next day? Will they be able to control their anger when they lose the game or are told to switch off live play?

Additional Information:

 One Day workshops are ideal because we do all the hard work for you! All we need is a large clear space to work in for the day. We have facilitators based across the country who come from a range of different performing and teaching backgrounds, and a central office team who can deal with any questions or queries on the run up to your visit. We can deliver workshops to up to 4 classes in a school day, depending on the type of workshop and age group of the classes involved. Each session caters for a maximum of 35 children. Tell us more about you’re facing in school in advance of the workshop so the content we deliver can hit the spot!

In addition to our in person workshop days, we also offer an on-demand online learning platform with a range of professionally-filmed videos covering a large range of interactive learning topics.


"Liked the hands on, practical approach for the children. The children are learning key messages about e-safety without realising but retaining so much information. They are never sitting for too long as As the e-safety in school I always know that the One Day workshops enhance the work we already do in the curriculum. [The Facilitator] makes the workshops enjoyable and educational for the children and even the most reluctant and less confident children enjoy taking part."

—Online Safety Co-ordinator, Lincolnshire