Survive the Bronze Age Workshop by Mogzilla Books (KS1-KS2)
Workshop Provider: Mogzilla Books - Paul Nolan
Workshop Themes: Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Creative Writing, English, Literacy, Stonehenge
Ages: Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2
Locations: Online, England, Wales
Workshop Summary:
I will transport your pupils back to the Stone Age and Bronze Ages through my highly interactive and engaging workshops.
Using my critically acclaimed book TimeCast - Age of Bronze as a stimulus, the children will understand first-hand just how savage life was in Pre-historic Britain. They will dress in authentic costumes, participate in a Bronze Age burial, help create Bronze from Copper and Tin, handle real, ancient Bronze artefacts and re-enact the most exciting parts of my book.
I offer a Creative Writing Workshop whereby the children plan their own Stone Age/Bronze Age stories, using my planners, and then begin to write them. I guide them through the writing process, hopefully providing them with tips which they can use to improve their writing, long after I have left. As well as being an acclaimed children's author, I'm also an experienced Primary Literacy specialist, so I can balance Creative Writing with the constraints of the Curriculum!
Once the children have finished their stories, teachers can post them onto me (they don't need to mark them). I promise to read them all, and to write a comment on the back of each, as well as publishing the best of them onto my Hall of Fame, on my website. This really motivates the children and has been proven to produce some excellent results. I will then post all stories back to the school.
I also offer World War One and World War Two workshops, which I can combine on the day with a Prehistoric workshop, thereby reducing the cost per pupil.
A popular addition to my workshops is a book signing session in which I can sell my books direct to the children at a heavily discounted rate.
I can tweak my workshop to adhere to Social Distancing measures - should they still exist! I can also offer a revised workshop for online delivery.
Additional Information:
Morning £200
Afternoon £180
Whole Day £350
+ travel costs from Winchester, Hampshire
Students will be able to build ‘Foamhenge’.