England, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Online Taliyah Campbell

Stone Age Workshop (KS2)

Workshop Provided by Palaoquest

Become archaeologists... Dig for clues, examine artefacts. Could you have survived in the Stone Age? Find out in this workshop, and how about an Iron Age CSI in your school classroom? .... Who is the person in the grave? How did they live? How did they die? Dig up Stone Age artefacts in your classroom. Sieve and clean them carefully and examine the clues left behind by Stone Age people. Make a mini museum of your finds from our Stone Age Workshop.

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CSI Forensic Science Workshop (KS2-KS5)

Workshop Provided by Pulse CSI:

Our CSI Workshops are proven to excite Pupils curiosity in Science and STEM and are available to book for Primary, Secondary, Independent & Special Educational Needs Schools & PRU’s. We offer full-day Science Workshops delivered on a nationwide basis.

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England Think Forensic England Think Forensic

Who Dunnit CSI Workshop (KS1-KS5)

Workshop Provided by Think Forensic:

All our workshops are interactive and specifically designed to have a lasting impact across all the key stages.

The fun packed sessions provide an ideal learning environment and not only include expert guided forensic activities but also focus on joint working, working scientifically, conducting fair tests and careers.

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