England Taliyah Campbell England Taliyah Campbell

FUZE Coding Workshop (KS2-KS4)

Workshop Provided by FUZE Technologies

In all other subjects, children start with the basics, move into the middle ground and then onto more advanced levels. Of course, if we started kids on Ladybird books and jumped straight to Tolstoy, we’d have a serious problem. However, this seems to be the case with coding. It is the common-ground to start with tools like Scratch and other ‘block based’ environments and then move onto Python and other real-world languages. There’s nothing wrong with either platform, just that quite simply, the gap between them is far too wide and as such we are likely to lose many potential candidates on the way. FUZE provides a transition between these two environments and in doing so lowers the barriers to entry of the real-world languages. Without a reasonable understanding of the core coding principles, Python and C etc. can look extremely complicated. However, by learning in the middle ground with FUZE things start to fall into place.

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England Taliyah Campbell England Taliyah Campbell

Raspberry Pi & Coding Workshop (KS3-Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by VSTEM Education

An engaging workshop with practical’s to learn about the Raspberry Pi and coding. During the workshop, they programme the Raspberry Pi to light an LED, build a traffic light circuit and programme it using the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and learn to code with the Scratch programming language.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Online, Northern Ireland Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Online, Northern Ireland Taliyah Campbell

Website & Development Coding Workshop (KS3- Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Code Created

Our new Getting Started with Website Design and Development Workshop is a great way to introduce your pupils to coding. We'll focus on HTML, CSS and JavaScript throughout a full-day workshop. At the end of the day, they will have a working website, along with notes and support so they are equipped to design an online portfolio for their work, or other project.

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England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Coding Games Workshop (KS2 - Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Code Created

Our Coding Games Workshop teaches the basics of coding and game development. We'll teach coding fundamentals with a very practical workshop, giving pupils plenty of hands-on time with code, creating arcade-style games and “snack” games. We will then work on a REAL mobile game with your class, uploading the game to the app stores so the pupils can show off to their family and friends when they get home!

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