England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Clifton Holmes Workshop (KS3-KS5)

Workshop Provided by BFBA School Workshops

The growing awareness of gambling opportunities by a younger generation is the reason why we do what we do to teach our clients the difference between "Chasing Losses" and "Chasing A Dream" based on 45 years of Lived Experience of the Founder of BFBA School Workshops.

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England Taliyah Campbell England Taliyah Campbell

Interactive PSHE Workshop (KS2-KS4)

Workshop Provided by UpFront Theatre:

UpFront Theatre Company is an experienced, dynamic educational theatre company; specialising in providing interactive workshops & plays exploring the PSHE suggested Programme of Study for KS2 to KS5.

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