England, Wales, Scotland Hyett Education England, Wales, Scotland Hyett Education

STEMdrones Drone Coding Workshop (UKS2-KS5)

Workshop Provided by Hyett Education

In this drone workshop students will learn to code the flight patterns of their drones using block programming or Swift coding language (used to develop apps on iPhone and iPad).

They'll instruct their drones to take-off, land, do flips and somersaults, as well as navigate different altitudes and distances to make its way safely around a course.

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England, Wales, Scotland Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland Taliyah Campbell

Advanced STEMbotics - Python Coding Robotics Workshop (KS3-KS5)

Our Advanced STEMbotics workshops challenges students to design, build and code LEGO robots using text-based code via Python. Students code their robots using Python, reinforcing and extending prior learning from the computing curriculum. This is a great workshop for challenging competent block coders and introducing them to text-based code. We can cover core coding principles of sequencing, selection and iteration, with the possibility of using functions and variables in longer session formats.

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Online Taliyah Campbell Online Taliyah Campbell

Thinking About Oxbridge? (KS3 - KS4)

Maximise the chances of Oxbridge success. We are passionate about supporting all, not just politics-based, Oxbridge students. Our founder, James Nichols, has spent his career helping hundreds of potential and successful candidates determine if the 'dreaming spires' are for them and equipping them with strategies to successfully apply.

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Taliyah Campbell Taliyah Campbell

Depaul UK Education Programme (KS3-KS5)

Workshop Provided by Depaul UK

We deliver bold, interactive and engaging workshops to young people in schools, colleges and other education settings, including pupil referral units and alternative provision from key stage 3 through to key stage 5.

Often, young people when faced with having to leave home, don’t know where to turn for support, and are excluded from official statistics. Hidden homelessness is common, with many young people sofa-surfing, staying in temporary accommodation, or unsafe places and at increased risk of harm, abuse and exploitation.

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England Taliyah Campbell England Taliyah Campbell

Dance Workshop For All (EYFS-Higher Education)

At Dance Workshops for All our professional dance tutors are fully committed to bring tailor made workshops and performances to Schools, Colleges and Adult learning facilities. Dance workshops are the perfect way to promote staying active in the body and positive in the mind. Wellbeing is an important part of life for everybody of all ages and capabilities, spreading this positive message through education using dance and movement is a real passion of ours

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland Taliyah Campbell

VG Dance Workshops (EYFS - Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Vivian Gayle Dance Workshops

VG dance workshops provide creative and educational dance workshops for primary and secondary schools across the UK bringing authenticity in each style of dance to life. Our workshops are fun, exciting, and educational for KS1, KS2, and KS3 classes.The workshops are designed to give students practical skills and knowledge on the history of each workshop helping creativity and confidence. VG dance workshops are very experienced in delivering cultural workshops to educate children on various styles of dance - the workshops are catered for all abilities.

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England Taliyah Campbell England Taliyah Campbell

FUZE Coding Workshop (KS2-KS4)

Workshop Provided by FUZE Technologies

In all other subjects, children start with the basics, move into the middle ground and then onto more advanced levels. Of course, if we started kids on Ladybird books and jumped straight to Tolstoy, we’d have a serious problem. However, this seems to be the case with coding. It is the common-ground to start with tools like Scratch and other ‘block based’ environments and then move onto Python and other real-world languages. There’s nothing wrong with either platform, just that quite simply, the gap between them is far too wide and as such we are likely to lose many potential candidates on the way. FUZE provides a transition between these two environments and in doing so lowers the barriers to entry of the real-world languages. Without a reasonable understanding of the core coding principles, Python and C etc. can look extremely complicated. However, by learning in the middle ground with FUZE things start to fall into place.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Anti-Bullying, Mental Health & Self-Esteem Workshop (KS3-KS5)

Workshop Provided by 360 Education

360 Education firmly believes that each and every child can achieve their ambitions both inside and outside of the school environment regardless of their backgrounds. Our Anti-Bullying and Self-Esteem workshops aims to nurture this belief through interactive discussions and role play thus boosting students confidence and understanding of important subjects.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Manga and Anime Workshop (KS1-Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Crazy Comic Club

With a vast archive of thousands of unique approaches to cartooning, illustration, and papercraft, and an enormous amount of experience with all age groups from reception, through KS1 and KS2 to secondary schools, the focus is on having loads of high energy creative fun developing art and storytelling skills, while creating new characters and sending them off on imagination-stretching adventures!

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Clifton Holmes Workshop (KS3-KS5)

Workshop Provided by BFBA School Workshops

The growing awareness of gambling opportunities by a younger generation is the reason why we do what we do to teach our clients the difference between "Chasing Losses" and "Chasing A Dream" based on 45 years of Lived Experience of the Founder of BFBA School Workshops.

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England, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Online Taliyah Campbell

LGBTQ+ Educational Workshop (KS1-KS4)

Workshop Provided by Diversify

 As pupils enter puberty, and sometimes before this stage, they may discover that their sexuality and/ or their gender identity is different from the majority of their peers. This workshop focuses on the history surrounding the LGBT+ community and the journey they have been on. We will also cover different types of family and changes in the law.

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England, Wales Taliyah Campbell England, Wales Taliyah Campbell

Junk Music Workshop (EYFS- Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Drum Runners

Be at the Creative Stage and make music from Junk with the bicycle wheel drums, blue barrel drums and other unusual percussion plus hands free flute. All battery powered effects and audio pedals make the workshops sesions ideal for outdoor learning.

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Online, England, Wales Taliyah Campbell Online, England, Wales Taliyah Campbell

Circus Skills Workshop (EYFS-Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Thomas Trilby

Thomas Trilby is a professional international circus performer and workshop leader. From Birmingham to Bethlehem and Cardiff to Cairo he has entertained all ages with his skills, comedy and interaction that appeal to all ages and backgrounds. His workshops are participative and engaging with an emphasis on learning new skills, developing resilience and communication skills whilst having fun.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Motivational Mornings (KS1-KS4)

Assembly Provided by Freedom Foundation

Motivational Mornings are accessible to all children between years 7-11, ages 11-16, and offer a fresh approach to the traditional morning assembly. Our assemblies are designed to motivate and empower children at the start of the day by creating an atmosphere of positivity and empowerment by embracing individuality and self-worth. The sessions will last for 45 minutes at the start of the day, facilitated by Freedom Foundation mentors and can delivered to number of year groups to accommodate the needs of the individual school.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland Taliyah Campbell

Graffiti Canvas & Mural Workshop (KS2 - Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Street Style Surgery

This street art workshop encourages young people to get creative with stencils and make their very own ‘Street-Style' design pieces.

The leader of our exciting graffiti art workshops will teach your young people how to produce Banksy Style canvas using stencils and adding freestyle touches.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Confidence Building Drama Workshop (EYFS-Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Street Style Surgery

Employers are looking to hire young people who can confidently express themselves in an interview and who are aware of their own strengths. Our personal development workshop will encourage young people to highlight their own best traits and portray themselves in a positive light to their future employers.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Comic Art Workshop (KS1-KS5)

Workshop Provided by Crazy Comic Club

With over 15 years full time experience, every Crazy Comic Club workshop is totally unique. Whether it’s manga skills, comic-strip making, or superheroes, no two workshops are ever the same! James has vast amounts of experience using comic art skills to educate, inspire and entertain children across a range of curriculum topics, travelling from ancient Egypt to the rainforest, pirate ships to outer space.

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Online, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Taliyah Campbell Online, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Taliyah Campbell

Anti-bullying & Self-Esteem Workshop (KS1-Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by Dynamic Play Ed

Dynamic Play Ed firmly believes that each and every child can achieve their ambitions both inside and outside of the school environment regardless of their backgrounds. Our Anti-Bullying and Self-Esteem workshops aims to nurture this belief through interactive discussions and role play thus boosting students confidence and understanding of important subjects.

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England Taliyah Campbell England Taliyah Campbell

Science Fun Workshop (KS1-Higher Education)

Workshop Provided by VSTEM Education

Hands-on science workshop covering several curriculum-based topics. A selection of activities available as a part of the workshop

During the workshop, they will take part in activities such as build a propeller car to learn about forces and motion, build electric circuits to learn about series and parallel circuits, construct KNEX models to engage in problem-solving activities, and fire a stomp rocket.

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