England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Clifton Holmes Workshop (KS3-KS5)

Workshop Provided by BFBA School Workshops

The growing awareness of gambling opportunities by a younger generation is the reason why we do what we do to teach our clients the difference between "Chasing Losses" and "Chasing A Dream" based on 45 years of Lived Experience of the Founder of BFBA School Workshops.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Freedom Factory Workshop (KS1&KS2)

Workshop Provided by Freedom Foundation

Freedom Foundation uses the creative arts to help children recognise the importance of a safe and healthy mental use of social media. This programme enables children to explore their own emotions and the opportunity to explore their individuality and appreciate their self-worth.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Motivational Mornings (KS1-KS4)

Assembly Provided by Freedom Foundation

Motivational Mornings are accessible to all children between years 7-11, ages 11-16, and offer a fresh approach to the traditional morning assembly. Our assemblies are designed to motivate and empower children at the start of the day by creating an atmosphere of positivity and empowerment by embracing individuality and self-worth. The sessions will last for 45 minutes at the start of the day, facilitated by Freedom Foundation mentors and can delivered to number of year groups to accommodate the needs of the individual school.

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England Taliyah Campbell England Taliyah Campbell

Interactive PSHE Workshop (KS2-KS4)

Workshop Provided by UpFront Theatre:

UpFront Theatre Company is an experienced, dynamic educational theatre company; specialising in providing interactive workshops & plays exploring the PSHE suggested Programme of Study for KS2 to KS5.

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England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland Springs Dance Company England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland Springs Dance Company

PSHE Dance Workshop (KS1 & KS2)

Workshop Provided by Springs Dance Company

We deliver creative, inspiring, fun and energetic workshops, assemblies and performances. Themes can be selected from one of our many workshop themes, or the focus and learning objective can be tailor-made especially for you. Our curriculum linked workshops can improve pupils mental health and well-being whilst supporting children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

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Online, London & Home Counties Taliyah Campbell Online, London & Home Counties Taliyah Campbell

Anxiety and Stress Workshop (KS3-KS5)

Workshop Provide by Well Minded

Stress: ed - Workshop on coping with stress and symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety and stress are becoming increasingly common amongst young people as they face increasing exam pressures and social influences. Our Stress: ed sessions are creative, educational and hands - on. Our sessions incorporate elements of cognitive behavioural therapy, arts based activities and neuroscience.

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England, Wales A-Life England, Wales A-Life

Mental Health & Well-Being Workshop by A-Life (KS2)

Workshop Provided by A-Life

After a very brief introduction by our instructor children explore a whole range of interactive stations and activities. There are challenges, facts, puzzles, AR stations, videos, audio, visual, kinaesthetic learning. The stations are designed around the evidence-based '5 Ways to Wellbeing', which are the 5 keys that have been recognised to improve mental wellbeing in children and adults. The activities also cover a huge amount of the new 2020 curriculum.

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England, Wales A-Life England, Wales A-Life

Healthy Workshop by A-Life (EYFS-KS2)

Workshop Provided by A-Life

The hands-on, multi-sensory activities are accessible for all ages and abilities and have been carefully designed to meet and expand upon many objectives in the Science, PE and PSHE curriculum. With 16 years’ experience and expert coaches, we consistently receive outstanding feedback from staff and pupils who are excited and engaged throughout. We would love to visit your school to help teach these vital lessons to your pupils.

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