Thinking About Oxbridge? (KS3 - KS4)
Maximise the chances of Oxbridge success. We are passionate about supporting all, not just politics-based, Oxbridge students. Our founder, James Nichols, has spent his career helping hundreds of potential and successful candidates determine if the 'dreaming spires' are for them and equipping them with strategies to successfully apply.
Anti-Bullying, Mental Health & Self-Esteem Workshop (KS3-KS5)
Workshop Provided by 360 Education
360 Education firmly believes that each and every child can achieve their ambitions both inside and outside of the school environment regardless of their backgrounds. Our Anti-Bullying and Self-Esteem workshops aims to nurture this belief through interactive discussions and role play thus boosting students confidence and understanding of important subjects.
Clifton Holmes Workshop (KS3-KS5)
Workshop Provided by BFBA School Workshops
The growing awareness of gambling opportunities by a younger generation is the reason why we do what we do to teach our clients the difference between "Chasing Losses" and "Chasing A Dream" based on 45 years of Lived Experience of the Founder of BFBA School Workshops.
LGBTQ+ Educational Workshop (KS1-KS4)
Workshop Provided by Diversify
As pupils enter puberty, and sometimes before this stage, they may discover that their sexuality and/ or their gender identity is different from the majority of their peers. This workshop focuses on the history surrounding the LGBT+ community and the journey they have been on. We will also cover different types of family and changes in the law.
How Britain changed: Stone Age - Iron Age Workshop (KS1-KS2)
Workshop Provided by Hystorics
In this 50 minute online session pupils will discover changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age by investigating what people ate and the technology that they used to produce their food in each time period. Your class will be engaged with interactive storytelling, examine replica objects, they will problem solve and discuss their findings with an archaeologist to identify changes through time.
Mindfulness Workshop (EYFS-KS2)
Workshop Provided by One Day Creative
Our range of interactive workshops ensure that the expressive arts are at the core of learning, making them the perfect companion for schools looking to enrich the curriculum. With any of our Mindfulness workshops your class will take part in basic mindfulness exercises that can be used at home and in the classroom and explore skills and strategies that will help them to be resilient.
Game Over Online Safety Workshop (KS2)
Workshop Provided by One Day Creative
Our range of interactive workshops ensure that the expressive arts are at the core of learning, making them the perfect companion for schools looking to enrich the curriculum or provide quality PPA cover. In the Game Over workshop your class will explore in-app purchases and age ratings, discuss safe user habits for electronic devices, including importance of time limits and switching off at night, and express ideas and feelings through voice, movement, role play and drama.
Freedom Factory Workshop (KS1&KS2)
Workshop Provided by Freedom Foundation
Freedom Foundation uses the creative arts to help children recognise the importance of a safe and healthy mental use of social media. This programme enables children to explore their own emotions and the opportunity to explore their individuality and appreciate their self-worth.
Motivational Mornings (KS1-KS4)
Assembly Provided by Freedom Foundation
Motivational Mornings are accessible to all children between years 7-11, ages 11-16, and offer a fresh approach to the traditional morning assembly. Our assemblies are designed to motivate and empower children at the start of the day by creating an atmosphere of positivity and empowerment by embracing individuality and self-worth. The sessions will last for 45 minutes at the start of the day, facilitated by Freedom Foundation mentors and can delivered to number of year groups to accommodate the needs of the individual school.
Zoom into the Stone Age (KS2)
Workshop Provided by OUtback2basics
At Outback2basics we deliver Stone Age workshops for schools. We take you on a journey back in time to see how our ancestors lived. We explore the tools they used, how they hunted and the clothes they wore.Our session include an entertaining timeline spanning over 3.5 million years, a tour of our artefacts through a day in the life of a caveman and a guided tutorial on cave art with the whole class taking part along with us.
Ancient Greeks Workshop (KS1 & KS2)
Workshop Provided by The Drama Hut
Meet Athena, the feisty favourite Goddess of Zeus. Let her bring to life some of the famous myths and legends that existed during this fascinating time and through drama, explore and experience life and work in ancient Greece.Discover famous myths and legends and recreate the story of King Midas. Learn about the culture of Greece, and in particular the early Olympics and compete in one of the earliest running races held in The Olympic Stadium.
Ancient Eygptians-Secret of the Scroll Workshop (KS1 & KS2)
Workshop Provided by The Drama Hut
With the help of the Goddess Isis, unravel the secrets hidden in an ancient Egyptian scroll and discover how a Pharaoh would journey to the afterlife. Help to prepare an ancient tomb, for the journey to the afterlife and create and perform a chant and complete a ritual to secure the Pharaoh’s passage into the afterlife.
Florence Nightingale Workshop (KS1 & KS2)
Workshop Provided by The Drama Hut
Travel back in time with the famous Lady with the Lamp and learn about her life, in particular the impact she had on nursing and the sanitisation of our hospitals.Our professional actor will bring your children's learning to life and through pictures and tableaus create the Victorian period Florence was working in.
Beatboxing & Lyric Writing Workshop (KS1-Higher Education)
Workshop Provided by Street Style Surgery
Here at Street Style Surgery, we are excited to offer students the chance to check out Beat-Breakers, a music workshop that teaches young people the art of beatboxing. Led by our expert beatboxer this workshop instructs students on how to create vocal percussion sounds.This workshop will start off with an introduction and beatboxing demonstration by the facilitator, followed by a short icebreaker exercise so students can feel more comfortable around one another. Our facilitator will teach students popular vocal techniques such as the kick drum, hi-hat and snare.
Confidence Building Drama Workshop (EYFS-Higher Education)
Workshop Provided by Street Style Surgery
Employers are looking to hire young people who can confidently express themselves in an interview and who are aware of their own strengths. Our personal development workshop will encourage young people to highlight their own best traits and portray themselves in a positive light to their future employers.
Comic Art Workshop (KS1-KS5)
Workshop Provided by Crazy Comic Club
With over 15 years full time experience, every Crazy Comic Club workshop is totally unique. Whether it’s manga skills, comic-strip making, or superheroes, no two workshops are ever the same! James has vast amounts of experience using comic art skills to educate, inspire and entertain children across a range of curriculum topics, travelling from ancient Egypt to the rainforest, pirate ships to outer space.
Anti-Bulling Workshop (EYFS-KS1)
Workshop Provided by OpenView Education
Would you like to organise a whole school Anti-Bullying Workshop that is positive, interactive and great value for money? Then OpenView Education's Anti-Bullying workshops and shows will be ideal for your school.
Science Shows Workshop (EYFS-Higher Education)
Workshop Provided by Explorer Dome
Discover a huge range of topics that bring science to life for audiences of all ages, genders, backgrounds, and abilities. Inclusive education is at the heart of what we do and we visit schools, colleges, adult education, teacher training, festivals, and special events and, as we pitch the show for your group, no two shows are ever the same!
Anxiety and Stress Workshop (KS3-KS5)
Workshop Provide by Well Minded
Stress: ed - Workshop on coping with stress and symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety and stress are becoming increasingly common amongst young people as they face increasing exam pressures and social influences. Our Stress: ed sessions are creative, educational and hands - on. Our sessions incorporate elements of cognitive behavioural therapy, arts based activities and neuroscience.
Employability through Comedy and Storytelling (KS4-KS5)
Workshop Provided by Push
The workshop uses practical comedy and improvisation exercises (solo/group), games and role plays - interweaved with small sections of motivational presentation and peer discussion/feedback, to build students' understanding of employability, soft skills (primarily interpersonal skills), the power of thinking of their lives as a story to be written (for HE/job applications) and learning through failure.