England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Online Taliyah Campbell

Clifton Holmes Workshop (KS3-KS5)

Workshop Provided by BFBA School Workshops

The growing awareness of gambling opportunities by a younger generation is the reason why we do what we do to teach our clients the difference between "Chasing Losses" and "Chasing A Dream" based on 45 years of Lived Experience of the Founder of BFBA School Workshops.

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England, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Online Taliyah Campbell

LGBTQ+ Educational Workshop (KS1-KS4)

Workshop Provided by Diversify

 As pupils enter puberty, and sometimes before this stage, they may discover that their sexuality and/ or their gender identity is different from the majority of their peers. This workshop focuses on the history surrounding the LGBT+ community and the journey they have been on. We will also cover different types of family and changes in the law.

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KIP PSHE & RSE Workshops (KS1-KS5)

Workshop Provided by KIP Education:

Our interactive & life-skills based approach, supports young people to develop the qualities & attributes needed to thrive. While most schools have extensive programs, very few offer understanding around mental health and self-esteem education or the prevention programs needed to tackle these issues. Our organisation takes an active role in educating school personnel, parents and students about understanding and tackling all things mental health.

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