England, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Online Taliyah Campbell

Rocks & Fossils Workshop (KS2 & KS3 )

Workshop Provided by Palaoquest

Get hands-on with rocks and fossils, soils, and geological equipment in this workshop. Examine, compare and group a wide variety of specimens. Investigate the properties of rocks, and their uses in our everyday lives or their role in the rock cycle. Learn how fossils get inside rocks, and what they can tell us about prehistoric life. We can also examine thin-sections of rocks under the microscope, rock-forming minerals, and weathering of rocks.

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Online, England Taliyah Campbell Online, England Taliyah Campbell

Rocks & Fossils Workshop (KS2 & KS3)

Workshop Provided by Palaoquest

Get hands-on with rocks and fossils, soils, and geological equipment in this workshop. Examine, compare and group a wide variety of specimens. Investigate the properties of rocks, and their uses in our everyday lives or their role in the rock cycle. Learn how fossils get inside rocks, and what they can tell us about prehistoric life. We can also examine thin-sections of rocks under the microscope, rock-forming minerals, and weathering of rocks.

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