Rubbish Snooker Workshop (KS2)
Workshop Provided by Rubbish Snooker
I am Kieran Poole, an award-winning eco artist making art using littered bottle lids on a snooker table, and offer workshops for your pupils to participate in mosaic building while learning about plastic pollution and the environment.
Junk Music Workshop (EYFS- Higher Education)
Workshop Provided by Drum Runners
Be at the Creative Stage and make music from Junk with the bicycle wheel drums, blue barrel drums and other unusual percussion plus hands free flute. All battery powered effects and audio pedals make the workshops sesions ideal for outdoor learning.
Graffiti Canvas & Mural Workshop (KS2 - Higher Education)
Workshop Provided by Street Style Surgery
This street art workshop encourages young people to get creative with stencils and make their very own ‘Street-Style' design pieces.
The leader of our exciting graffiti art workshops will teach your young people how to produce Banksy Style canvas using stencils and adding freestyle touches.
Science Shows Workshop (EYFS-Higher Education)
Workshop Provided by Explorer Dome
Discover a huge range of topics that bring science to life for audiences of all ages, genders, backgrounds, and abilities. Inclusive education is at the heart of what we do and we visit schools, colleges, adult education, teacher training, festivals, and special events and, as we pitch the show for your group, no two shows are ever the same!
Bollywood & Bhangra Dance Workshop (EYFS-Higher Education)
Workshop Provider Jaya Dance
Jaya Dance school workshops are fun, colourful and exciting! With the use of exhilarating music, energetic dance and vibrant costumes we teach and help integrate your pupils into the Indian culture, by introducing the dance associated with so many of the festivals and traditions of the Sikh and Hindu customs, thus helping your pupils to experience beautiful India!
Evolution & Inheritance Workshop (KS2 & KS3)
Workshop Provided by Palaquest
This workshop covers the Evolution and Inheritance KS2 topic. Also ideal for KS3+. Examine an extensive collection of fossil specimens through 8 different prehistoric time periods to discover how life on earth changed through the millennia. Record and interpret your findings, and see the evidence for evolution in front of your very eyes. Meet your ancestors, and some other weird and wonderful prehistoric creatures, and tell the story of life on earth, and how it changed, over the last Billion years or so.
Rocks & Fossils Workshop (KS2 & KS3 )
Workshop Provided by Palaoquest
Get hands-on with rocks and fossils, soils, and geological equipment in this workshop. Examine, compare and group a wide variety of specimens. Investigate the properties of rocks, and their uses in our everyday lives or their role in the rock cycle. Learn how fossils get inside rocks, and what they can tell us about prehistoric life. We can also examine thin-sections of rocks under the microscope, rock-forming minerals, and weathering of rocks.
Eco & Climate Change Workshop ( KS2-KS4)
Workshop Provided by Palaoquest
A fun, hands-on, "eco" workshop: Become a climate scientist; discover the causes and effects of global warming; analyse your own carbon emissions; explore "green" technologies; and learn to make positive changes at home and school. Become informed and empowered participants in the climate debate.
Stone Age Workshop (KS2)
Workshop Provided by Palaoquest
Become archaeologists... Dig for clues, examine artefacts. Could you have survived in the Stone Age? Find out in this workshop, and how about an Iron Age CSI in your school classroom? .... Who is the person in the grave? How did they live? How did they die? Dig up Stone Age artefacts in your classroom. Sieve and clean them carefully and examine the clues left behind by Stone Age people. Make a mini museum of your finds from our Stone Age Workshop.
Rocks & Fossils Workshop (KS2 & KS3)
Workshop Provided by Palaoquest
Get hands-on with rocks and fossils, soils, and geological equipment in this workshop. Examine, compare and group a wide variety of specimens. Investigate the properties of rocks, and their uses in our everyday lives or their role in the rock cycle. Learn how fossils get inside rocks, and what they can tell us about prehistoric life. We can also examine thin-sections of rocks under the microscope, rock-forming minerals, and weathering of rocks.
Interactive Art History Workshop (EYFS-KS5)
Workshop Provided by Magic Lantern
Imagine stepping into a painting and discovering what’s inside… Magic Lantern has been turning classrooms into pop-up art galleries since 1994 and is the only organisation of its type in the UK. During our workshops children explore and engage with famous artworks and discover the world of art from cave paintings to Cubism, Gothic to Graffiti.
Energy & Sustainability Workshop (KS1-KS3)
Workshop Provided by VSTEM Education
This workshop covers the generation of electricity, different types of renewable and non-renewable energy, advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy, kinetic and gravitational potential energy, the mechanics of a generator and environmental sustainability.