England, Online Taliyah Campbell England, Online Taliyah Campbell

LGBTQ+ Educational Workshop (KS1-KS4)

Workshop Provided by Diversify

 As pupils enter puberty, and sometimes before this stage, they may discover that their sexuality and/ or their gender identity is different from the majority of their peers. This workshop focuses on the history surrounding the LGBT+ community and the journey they have been on. We will also cover different types of family and changes in the law.

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England EqualiTeach England EqualiTeach

Celebrating Different Families Workshop (KS2)

Workshop Provided by EqualiTeach

This workshop helps young people explore different types of families and learn the definitions of terms such as ‘gay’, ‘lesbian’ and ‘homophobia’, exploring the use of the word ‘gay’ in particular, and when and why its use is acceptable or unacceptable.

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