Reject Racism Workshop (KS2-KS4)

Workshop Provider: EqualiTeach CIC

Workshop/Assembly Themes & Tags: race, racism, identity, nationality, skin colour, equality

Age Suitability: Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4

Delivery Locations: England

Workshop/Assembly Summary: 

In this workshop young people explore what racism is, how it manifests, appropriate terminology, and taking an active role in challenging racism and preventing bullying.

Using interactive group activities young people explore what is meant by the term racism, understanding which traits are targeted and what this might look like. Young people are given the appropriate terminology to discuss race and identity, and are empowered to consider the ways in which they can prevent and challenge racism in their everyday lives.

Workshops are tailored to the various age groups and delivered in their usual class groups.

reject racism school workshop pshe
reject racism school workshops


Celebrating Different Families Workshop (KS2)


Movement Workshop (EYFS-KS1)